Pottery Handles

Handle It with Style: Unveiling the Art and Science of Handles!

The shape of handles in pottery holds significant importance as it greatly affects the functionality, aesthetics, and comfort of a pottery piece. Handles serve as not only a practical means of gripping and lifting pottery objects but also contribute to their overall design and visual appeal. Shaping handles requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that they are functional, visually appealing, and comfortable to use
Leaky Pottery Mug

The Great Mug Mystery. Understanding Why My Awesome Mug Leaks

If you're experiencing the disappointment of a leaking pottery mug, you're not alone. It can be perplexing to discover why a well-crafted piece of pottery is failing to contain your favorite beverage. In this article, we'll delve into the world of pottery to uncover some common factors that can cause pottery mugs to leak. From craftsmanship to design, glazing to firing, we'll explore the potential reasons behind this issue, providing insight into the possible causes and offering guidance on how to address the problem. So, let's embark on a journey of pottery exploration to understand why your cherished mug may be dribbling, and how you can find a solution to keep your sips spill-free.
Mugs on Table

Mug Magic: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Clay for Mugs and Cups

If you're someone who enjoys their daily coffee or tea, you understand the significance of a perfect mug in enhancing your beverage experience. When it comes to crafting mugs, selecting the right type of clay is essential to ensure that your mugs are not only functional, but also durable and visually appealing. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of clay and explore the best types of clay for creating mugs, as well as the factors to consider when choosing clay for your mug-making projects
Pottery Molds

Creating a Mold for Slip: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're a ceramic artist or potter looking to explore slip-casting, having the skill to create your own molds can be incredibly valuable. Slip-casting is a technique that involves pouring liquid clay, also known as slip, into a mold, allowing it to set, and then demolding to reveal a ceramic piece with consistent shape and details. In this comprehensive blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating your own slip-casting mold, empowering you to expand your ceramic artistry.
Painting Pottery

Unfired Canvas: When to Apply Color and Embellishment in Pottery?

"Enhancing Pottery with Artistic Flair: Choosing When to Add Surface Decoration. Surface decoration is a thrilling and creative part of pottery making, allowing artists to infuse their pieces with unique visual appeal. But the question of whether to decorate before or after bisque firing often arises. In this informative blog post, we explore the pros and cons of each approach, providing insights to help you decide when to add embellishments to your pottery projects."